Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lessons in Attraction: Lesson 3

I'm sorry this took so long to get out, but it is by far the most important and kind of the reason I started this trilogy in the first place. 

I am a very opinionated person about fashion and what looks good (especially on girls). I only do this because I have the utmost respect for them. Let me try to explain.
I watch shows like What Not to Wear with my mom and we like to comment with the hosts. Well one day I was watching some interview on one of the Early shows (or Good Morning America or something) where Clinton Kelly was giving an interview about fashion (naturally). Anyways, he said something that kind of sparked this post,  
"Every woman is beautiful..."

That is SOOOOOOOOO true and I think girls need to hear that more often than they do. If you know me you know I'm not normal. (Understatement maybe but lets keep this blog moving shall we?) I like to complement girls on what they wear, or their hairstyle or just about how much I love them. Not because I'm trying to flirt with them (although this is certainly a good way to gentleman :) but because I feel like girls need to hear it more than they do. 

Today it was mentioned at church, the importance of respecting women. Well, I have a freakin' awesome Dad whom I think did an excellent job at just that. I therefore get REALLY irritated when guys don't respect women (the a-typical jock attitude drives me up the wall...cannot stand it). Women deserve to be respected after all they put themselves through.

Just on a side and slightly cliche note but nevertheless important....Everything God creates is beautiful and perfect. Sorry, I know but still think about it. Sometimes I think we take advantage of the God-given beauty we are given. Ask yourself this question, "Would God ever create something imperfect or ugly." NO absolutely not.

The only thing girls have to do is learn how to flatter themselves with the right style and cut of their clothes, the right hairstyle, and the right perspective on life. Seriously. Girls I love you. I want you to look good always and you have the absolute right to, so....go on and be beautiful.


Now you must watch one of the best transformations ever! I think she is just the cutest thing and I just can't handle how innocent she is. Check out her transformation, and the comments they make during it. At the end there is a very brief image of her with glasses on and SERIOUSLY she is adorable!

"the whole purpose of a dress is to make a girl feel pretty"

Ps. check out my friend's blog

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lessons in Attraction: Lesson 2

Things that make you less attractive:


Girls, just about every inch of your body looks 10 times worse when you slouch. ESPECIALLY in immodest clothing. I seriously just had a memory wave of scarring high school fashion flops. euhhh. By standing up straight (not overly so...nobody wants you're butt sticking out because you're trying to stick other things out. Seriously.) you show a natural beauty and confidence about yourself, what you're wearing, who you are as a person..the list just goes on and on.


I realize that life is hard girls but there is no reason you should sulk around. I can understand having a bad day. Only show that to your closest friends. Okay? Because your close friends will console you and do what good friends should do. But if I see you walking around sulking, doing the puppy dog look thing. It doesn't get much worse. Nevertheless, you should not put on a fake Valley-Girl persona if you aren't like that.  I guarantee you can't pull it off attractively if that's not who the real you is. 


If you're the kind of girl you're parents raised you to be, you would never purposefully wear those kind of clothes. I can't figure out why girls continue to do it though. Do you seriously want guys looking at that part of you (whatever it may be) instead of getting to know you? Do you like attracting those kind of guys? I guarantee again that their not the type that's gonna make you really happy. Be modest. There really is something to be said about wearing modest clothes. Classy. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Elegant. Stunning. Well, I think you get the idea.


WOW. I've talked to many a guy about this and lets be honest, we want someone who is fun outgoing, creative, healthy, etc. BUT mature as well. There is a time and a place to act like High High School. OOOOoooo this erks me so bad. If you have something to say to me, SAY IT! (now that I'm writing this I'm pretty sure I've already blogged this. But obviously some of you did not get the message!) There is a time and a place for slumber party giggling betwixt your girlfriends about inside jokes or whatever. DO NOT do that in front of guys. To an extent of course you can make the initial eye contact if you're on a double date with your BFF and just giggle in your head. Talk about it later. But that is just plain rude. DON'T talk about your weight! Be proud of what you got or do something about it. LEARN TO BE RESPECTFUL of other people's time and money. We guys are forking out a lot of dough for you and you're not even our WIFE! One more thing and I'll be done. YOU'RE in college. (okay two) LEARN to act on your own accord. Sure your parents are great advise sources...heck they've made all the mistakes we're making right now BUT you are an ADULT at least that's the kind of people I thought were in COLLEGE. AND. Branch out. Learn to make new friends. Don't leave your old friends. Heavens. But be adventurous.

Okay wow..sorry...that was a lot but I'm done now.

{Sir Charles III}

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lessons in Attraction: Lesson 1

Here it goes people. My first stab at a trilogy post.
I often get asked questions about how girls should get guys to notice them. So here goes.

Things that make you attractive:


This is tricky girls I'm just gonna be straight about it. Being too confident often scares the guys. We want to be able to approach you and for some guys it takes days to muster up the courage just to finally press the send button after dialing the entire number. I'm just gonna tack on as well, it is VERY hard to go up to a girl when she is around all her little friends one friend is not the ideal situation, two is better...let me illuminate. Scenario 1 -- I go up to a girl who has her best friend next to her. I don't want to ask her out in front of her best friend because 1 it's slightly awkward and I'm already self confident of myself; I don't need the BF judging how I'm asking her friend out and 2 I don't want to offend anyone. Scenario 2 -- I go up to a threesome of girls and ask if I can speak with one of them privately. Sure, everyone knows what is going on, yes maybe the remaining two now have the opportunity to co-judge you BUT at least you can pull the girl aside and feel like you're alone. Scroll to the bottom to understand the rest of Self Confidence.
So a while back I thought this girl was way out of my league (none of you know her that read this blog so don't worry). Needless to say we started flirting and I asked her out. I knew she wanted to go on the date with me, BUT she most definitely didn't demonstrate that by the way she dressed...her shoes had holes in them. Now you all know I really care about how girls dress themselves so maybe an average guy wouldn't notice but I think you get the idea. Even if we don't say anything MOST guys notice how you dress, even if it is subconsciously. Besides, how you dress says a lot about the kind of person you are. You can really understand how people want to be perceived by how they dress.


Again, this is tricky. You don't want to act too mature because nobody is really completely 100 percent mature. At least I hope not. There is a time and a place for that. We guys like to think we are pretty hot stuff. We try and come up with inventive dates, or cultural experiences and we hope you know how to appreciate and enjoy a variety of things EVEN if its not your cup of tea. At least I think girls should like to go out and do stuff, see shows go on a hike, paint, make a stupid know? :)


I often get the question, "What do you notice first about a girl." I tell them quite frankly their hair. If they know how to shape their face correctly with their hair..ooooh. So nice. Let me just say, that this does not mean you have to do your hair every day. Heavens, we all hear how long it takes you to do your hair every morning. Another piece of advice, if you have longer hair, a nice messy bun is SO classy. I really can't get enough of it.

Beeeeee Yourself. There is really little more attractive than a girl who knows who she is and can make fun of herself when she does something stupid. Actually, I would have to say that is my favorite quality; (along with a sense of humor) someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously.

Monday, January 24, 2011

College Professors

I have a Professor in College.
She thinks we a have little to no Knowledge.
We don't get much Done
but sure have some Fun
as her idiocy we  graciously Acknowledge

{Sir Charles III}

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I'm sorry for the Italian but it would be just rude otherwise.


Madonna, é da tanto che volevo scrivere qualcosa riguarda la situazione con una dei miei colleghi di ballo. Ne ho tre. Due sono brave. Una non lo é. Chiameremo lei Mirandolina. E bravissima a ballare, non fraintendere. Infatti, é stato proprio per quel motivo che volevo ballare con lei. Dovrei cominciare all’inizio. Sarà lunga. Mi dispiace.

Allora, all’inizio di questo semestre, come ogni altro missionario tornato, flirtavo con tutte le belle ragazze. In tanto, ho incontrato una ragazza, che ballava bene anche, Mirandolina. Ci incontrevamo con le sue amiche (nel primo anno a scuola, ch’é un’altra storia di quanto mi da fastidio ragazze del primo anno). 

Con il passaggio di tempo, ci incontrevamo piú spesso, guardando i flim, cucinando cena, ecc. Siccome la nostra generazione vuole sapere tutto l’informazione personale dei nostri amici e nemici, naturalmente sono andato sul Facebook e imparava che lei stava frequentando qualcuno mentre mi mostrava interessa. 

Poco tempo dopo, il suo ragazzo é venuto in aereo per il compleanno di Mirandolina. Durante questa settimana naturalmente, c’é stato questa scomodità fra io e la Mirandolina. Le pratiche non andavano bene. Tutto é smesso fra di noi. Realizzavo a questo momento che non vorrei stare con qualcuno cosí. 

 Inutile dire che non facevo tanto con Mirandolina dopo aver incontrato il suo ragazzo. Penso che il ragazzo é venuto proprio per quel motivo. 

Dunque, un mese é passato e controllavo il Facebook di Mirandolina. Non frequentavo nessuno. Ridevo un pó si. Rido ancora ogni volta mi parla di come sarà il suo marito futuro. Come se volesse mostrare che non capiterà mai un relazzione fra noi due. Meno male. Più di ogni altra ragazza in quest’ultima semestre, non vorrei mai frequentare Mirandolina di nuovo. Pensa di essere qualche granche é non lo é.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Moment of the Day

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"I'm Flying"

So as I mentioned earlier, I have been trying to read classic literature. Over about a week ago I finished reading J. M. Barrit's Peter Pan. Low and behold, BYU was performing their adaptation this weekend.

I grabbed a buddy of mine and we snatched some tickets just earlier this week. Tonight (thursday) was just about the only night that worked for us so I had to find a girl quick. Yesterday on my way home I called a girl I had been meaning to ask out for a while but never had the courage/time to do so (even this time..I had to take a deep breath before I called her). She graciously said yes (with so little notice....much to kind to me) and needless to say it made my night. 

The show was pretty good. I would have tweaked the set a bit and one or two costumes. Overall I think they did a pretty good job. Peter Pan was fantastic. The choreography, the playfulness of the cast, and the overall vocals made the show extra awesome. I had seen the Cathy Rigby rendition and I have to say.. was similar in many a good way. They changed a few things which where kinda fun. Like instead of having the twins as lost boys, they had Asian triplets that couldn't say their L's...very appropriately done. It was clever to say the least. Another favorite of ours was Tiger Lily...she was a little show stealer..REALLY fantastic dancer and all. And seriously...look at that costume! SAWEET!

I must say, I REALLY enjoyed myself on the double date.
... :)....
Vediamo ragazzi, vediamo

Check this out..they interviewed our group. WE'RE FAMOUS :)

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am very excited about a new hobby of mine: reading. When I was younger I remember reading a ton. I would read everything I could get my hands on. There was one time in Elementary School when the librarian told me I was not aloud to check out a book from a specific section because it was only for the 4th and 5th graders (or something like that). Needless to say my parents came swooping in and there was never another complaint. 

I would read things like Goosebumps and Harry Potter. Whenever we would have the assignment to draw a floor plan for a dream home I would always include a HUGE room with books. Toward High School I stopped reading, probably because the forced us to and anyone who knows me knows I hate being told what to do and when to do it (I take free agency very seriously :) 

So I'm on the mission, and I'm thinking to myself, "Shoot, I miss reading." My companions and I would often talk about the when-we-get-back's. Some of which really haven't happened - like one of mine to produce a successful new Joseph Smith Musical ready for the 200 Anniversary of the First Vision. Ha! Well I am happy to report that reading was on of those when-we-get-back's. We would talk about how we wanted to start reading classics, grow a home library, become more sophisticated as time went on (we're talkin' like 30 years or so). 

Well, I have slowly but surely become something of a book reader. 

Of Contemporary Literature I have read (Since Summer)
The Hunger Games Series
The Percy Jackson Series
The Da Vinci Code
(Working on) The Book Thief

 and of Classic Literature:
The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Pride and Prejudice
The Three Musketeers
Peter Pan

I think it is a very healthy habit that everyone should have. I would go so far as to say that it is in SO many ways more productive than video games. So theirs my pitch. Oh and if anyone has any good suggestions I am more than willing to take them. I'm beginning to become one of those old men who buy more books than they can read...and I'm okay with that.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We won't let you two leave unless....

The single life gets old REAL quick. 

You here the same jokes. 

Family asks the same questions. 

Church leaders say the same things. 

Sometimes I wanna be like, 

"Oh, I had no idea I was suppose to get married. I'll stop going on dates, flirting, and spending money on all these random girls and just marry up."

PS. Check this out because I totally agree!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dear Crush

You are SUPER intimidating.

I can't but help to notice when you walk into the room. Instantly, I try and think of some way to start a normal conversation with you. You're anything but normal. This proves difficult, considering previously failed attempts. I don't know anyone more beautiful, stunning, magical, radiant or talented than you. 

Your smile. 

Honestly woman, it is a mystery you are not married yet. I wish I had the guts to ask you out but you are SO out of my league, and I'm pretty sure you know it. 

Please notice me a little more. Make this easier for me. Oh, and please don't have a boyfriend.

With all my faults, 

{Sir Charles III}

Friday, January 14, 2011

Specialmente per la Gioventù

            Oggi sono andato a fare un’intervista per EFY (specialmente per la gioventù), ma prima di scrivere dell’intervista voglio scrivere qualcosa del significato di EFY per me. Nella mia gioventù sono andato all”EFY cinque volte; l’assoluto massimo una persona potrebbe fare. La prima volta che sono andato a BYU mi sono divertito cosi tanto che dovevo tornare.

            Lo spirito a questo campeggio spirituale mi aituava profondamente nella decisione di fare una missione. I consiglio al campeggio erano tutti missionari tornati con testimonianze fortissime. Gli amici che creavo, le danze, il divertimento, tutto incluso faceva parte di un’esperienza indimenticabile.

            l’Estate scorso dovevo frequentare scuola per entrare nella facoltà o specializzazione che volevo. Quindi, sentivo spesso dai miei amici delle esperienze straordinarie che avevono con i ragazzi. Potrei dire che ero geloso, dal mio gioventù volevo diventare come i miei consigliere ed a causa della scuola, dovevo aspettare un’altro anno prima di far parte dell’esperienza.

            Comunque, oggi sono andato a fare l’intervista e devo dire che ho fatto benissimo. Infatti, non so come decidono. Eravamo in gruppi di quarto e facevamo l’intervista cosi.  I direttori non prendevono appunti quando parlavamo o insegnavamo, quindi penso che tutti abbiano fatto bene. 

            Non vedo l’ora di sentire se lo faccio, e dove, con chi, ecc. So che non guadangero tanto quest’estate, come l’estate scorso pero, sentiro lo spirito cosi profondamente che non me ne importerá. Penso di dover firmarmi ad almeno 8 settimane – che faró con piacere – sento dai miei amici che mi stancheró, che esaurisce ma ci saranno le benedizioni. E quando non faccio il consigliere, faró le varie competizioni di ballo liscio: allora quest’estate avró sempre qualcosa da fare.

Ballo Liscio

Quando sono venuto a BYU ho deciso to frequentare tutte le classe che volevo frequentare fin dal mio gioventù. Le classe più divertente sono stati lezioni in pianoforte, il BYU Men’s Chorus, lezioni private di canto, e quello di ballo liscio. All’inizio il ballo liscio é stato abastanza difficile. Nella scuola superiore, sono stat il più bravo dei ragazzi a ballare. Infatti, sono stat il coreografo per tanti spettacoli perché avevo idee nuove ed inventivo.

Il ballo liscio mi chiedeva di essere più tecnicamente presente. Alla fine della semestre, c’é stato una competitizione per tutte le classe; un qucikstep. La mia mamma é venuto per guardarmi sia nella competizione che in un concerto quella sera per il coro. Purtroppo non siamo andati al concerto perché facevo troppo bene alla competizione. Quella sera ho vinto la competizione del quickstep.

Quando sono tornato dalla mia missione ho deciso di inseguire questo nuovo talento che ho trovato. Ho frequentato altre classe di balli latino, ho cominciato a far parte dell squadra di ballo liscio qui a BYU. Poco tempo dopo di che ho cominciato a competere anche fuori BYU in altre città fino a Las Vegas.

Ora, dedico tanto tempo a ballo liscio perché faccio davvero bene a questi competizioni. Mi piace tanto tutto incluso con il ballo liscio: l’importanza di prendersi cura del suo proprio college, l’aspetto di competere con tante persone che danzano con grazia, i costumi, le luci, ecc.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


...pensieri alle coppie...

 Sta mattina, stavo cammindando a classe quando ho visto una coppia anziana uscire nel freddo. La donna abbracciava il suo marito, e il marito la teneva accanto. Mi sono messo a pensare di nuovo, come spesso faccio, del matrimonio: di come tutti i miei amici sono sposati, o stanno per sposarsi, o almeno stanno frequentando qualcuno. Ed io? Che faccio? Certamente, vado fuori con le ragazze ma poco di più.  

Tornavo alla coppia anziana, e come ci si tenevano proprio vicino, aiutando l'un l'atro. Facevano come se non avessero bisogno dell'aiuto dell'altro pero volendolo lo stesso. Come si sono stati incontrati? Quando é stato il momento quando volevano vivere insieme per sempre? 

L'università di BYU a questo ideale per i suoi studenti. Si va qui per studiare, rafforzarci spiritualmente, divertirci ma più presente é il bisogno di sposarsi. Tutti i vescovi, presidenti di palo, proffessori, ecc. ci parlano di come dobbiamo trovare quella persona giusta al momento giusto, e nel posto giusto. Si ho capito, allora vorrei che mi trovasse questa ragazza mia.
 La vita di uno studente, che va in ricerca per la sua moglie e tedioso. Scusami per aver detto cosi francamente i sentimenti di tanti ragazzi a quest'università. Certamente non voglio diminuire il fatto che ci divertiamo tantissimo nel processo. Però ogni tanto abbiamo bisogno di una vacanza dalle vacanze, per dire. 

L’ultima cosa devo includere é  la difficultà di trovare un posto ritirato da tutte le alter coppie. Già, c’é troppa gente che mostra publicamente l’affezione (PDA). Devo dire, che non posso entrare casa mia sensa vedere proprio questo fatto. Capisco che siamo studenti, chiamiamo il nostro appartamento casa nostra. Ma, ci devono essere proprio delle regole che ci costringono a lasciare l’unico posto in casa (dove possiamo socializare) a tutti i compagni di stanza.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tired of Looking

First things I logged on today and checked out my stats (which is a guilty pleasure of mine yes its true. It makes me feel important when people from other countries are happening onto my blog :) Don't laugh, I am very easily entertained. Well anyways, I was absolutely SHOCKED! I looked at my stats and thought that maybe I had accidentally logged on to someone else's blog. Usually, I have a meager 2-10 people who check it out on sort of an hourly basis or so. 

Well the stats range was all off. I realized yesterday at approximately 11:00 some 47 posts were read (by anywhere between 1-47 people). I was like....DAaaaaang. It sure did make me smile. (Don't laugh, I don't have that many friends :) So I went back to see if someone hacked onto my account and posted something embarrassing. Nope. Just normal ol' me. So for whatever reason it might have been, thank you readers :)

So. I have a few posts I want to put up but I must pace myself. Here goes this one. 

I AM SICK of being programmed to look. Okay, this is a love hate relationship with Provo/BYU culture. For instance:

I love : the fact that you can go on several dates a week with different girls (and likewise the girls do the same thing :)
I love : the fact that there are SO many free activities to do like dances, international cinema, and ALL the inventive things we come up with... (I got some more very sweet things in my back pocket)
I love : the extremely nice nature of most people on campus, holding doors for people is habit, smiling at other people on campus that you pass by frequently but don't have the faintest idea what there name is :)
I love : how legit my education is to the real world (PR and Ballroom)

I love/hate : the fact that I am programmed to be on this constant search for a wife. Every now and again I wish I could just turn it off. Have fun. And I mean I do, but at the back of my head I'm still thinkin, "You best get married soon boy!"
I love/hate : the fact that I am programmed to LOOK. And I'm talkin' about the quick gaze we all do to the inevitable left hand ring finger. As soon as you think someone is cute, you spend the next 5-20 min (in class, partying, etc) trying to get a glimpse.

(I won't right the hate...I'm not in a hatin' mood today but there are some things I would change)

Some days I just want to turn it off. (okay I just spelled 'turn,' 'tearn' man that's bad). Every now and again, I really think we are getting brainwashed. Check out this on BYU's homepage.

Seriously a HUGE picture on the front page, it's like "Hey. Remember? You're still not married :) A message brought to you by, The Bubble." 

Sorry whoever you are, but you have become my model Utah-Poof-typical-girl, getting your M.R.S. degree
 And to make matters worse, I am fairly certain the operator's hold music is the wedding march........yes...this is not a lie. Don't get me wrong. I do want to get married. Some day I will devote a post solely to the fact that I get really jealous when I'm around people with cute babies (emphasis on cute :)

And the venting is over....phew 

{Sir Charles III}