Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Worst Day of My LIFE

No no, it was not Valentine's Day although I think I shall post about my Valentine's weekend later. The day I am speaking of is today (or it was until I waited to post it was Tuesday technically)...yes that's right everyone, I finally have something to write about on this blog :)

A little Background: Yesterday, I skipped out of my two technique classes in order to have more time to work on the COUNTLESS assignments that had somehow piled up to an illusive deadline of the following morning: two at 10:00pm, one at 12:00pm, and then 2 more for my class at 9:30am. So I went home and put myself in a good study mood. With music playing and in the comfort of my own home, I began what would turn into approximately 11 hours of homework.

I wear glasses to trick myself into thinking I'm smarter than I am

I began by finishing my group project and emailing it to the saint who decided to do the collaboration. I continued on to a religion exam that I nearly aced (very happy about that).

And so began the very long night of research.

I was to write a paper (and presentation) about Payless ShoeSource's repositioning efforts a few years ago. The case text book I was working from guided me to several fashion websites, just in case I didn't understand fashion. Well, needless to say every so often I was distracted in my researching efforts as I would update myself on Valentino and Tommy Hilfiger's new name a few. The subject matter was fascinating, I just like clothes too much :) So I took breaks to get me back into a focused mood. I ate. I went through, and off I went. Finally I had a really good run of motivational endorphins and worked until about 2:40 Tuesday morning. By this time I had completed approx. 3 pages (of the 5) and the beginning and end to my power point. It was at about 2:40 when I began to fall asleep uncontrollably. You know when you wake up like 2 min later and you're like, "What just happened" yes.. that is precisely what it felt like. Keep in mind the paper and project is due at 9:30.

Needless to say i decide to hit pillow and wake up at about 6:00. Plenty of time to get things done. Off to sleep I went...until I woke up.

And it was Sunny. 6:00 in the morning is not sunny...I wake up every morning at 6:00 and I KNOW this is wrong. So I look at the clock and it says 9:30. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH What could I do? My paper wasn't done, the presentation wasn't done, and my class had already started. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Well. In fewer words than I like to use..I kept my cool 

If this makes sense (which I hope it does) you probably laughed

After scrambling out the door with my forever heavy laptop I kept going over in my mind the very unprepared presentation I was to be giving. The teacher allows us to turn in an entirely new case, new paper if we don't like the grade we get on the first one and ...well I was going to have no other choice. At the same time, we had only one presentation to give so I am trying to use some non-existent-super powers...aka prayer

The lightning represents prayer/superpowers

Needless to say I arrive in class and there is only one person sitting there. Was class canceled? Were my prayers answered? Well not quite. I looked at the time and it was 9:00, which meant I woke up at 8:30. Okay, so I had 30 min to finalize the life wasn't so bad.

That brown thing represents my hair :)

Well we start the class and the professor begins to introduce the chapter we are currently in, Consumer Relations. He tends to drag on discussions about Sports and similar topics so this took a little longer than expected. There were three presenters today - me included. By the time we started, it seemed each of us would have adequate time to present....DRAT. Well, the first guy goes and he takes a less than expected amount of time. BLAST. The other presenter had previously asked me if she could go second and I graciously gave up my spot :) .....excellent. Well, class conversation and her computer problems pushed the time to the point where...oh shoot...I was going to have to present on Thursday. Today.

Leprechaun Leap...ya so I didn't want to draw that would be my paper?
That I ripped in half? Ya lets go with that

FANTASTIC!!! I could not believe my ears. This was really happening and I was given a second chance. Well, It's not like I had a solid two days to redo the assignment, I still work, study and practice 23/7 did go alright and now I'm ready for California baby!! YAHOO!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rebuttal to Expectations (brought to you by) MOM

Hey everybody. I really hope that last post wasn't pessimistic. My goal in writing it was only to show how princes and princesses are all around us but not in the ways you grow up thinking (that in and of itself probably didn't make sense). Anyways, my mom just blew me out of the water and wrote a very beautiful y'all should go read it!

Click Here

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow 
so I decided to repent of my ways and blog :)

Well I was talking to a very dear friend of mine about dating, marriage, and the whole shtick. We talked about how dating is difficult because you commit so much emotionally into it. All the while, not knowing if it is going to work out or not and when I say work out or not I'm talking absolutes not the rare occasions when a couple just become really good friends after breaking up. Naturally every relationship either ends up in a breakup or marriage when we get down to the nitty gritty. So, why do we put ourselves through all that torcher?

Well I think it has a lot to do with the expectations we grew up with. We see these movies and read in book of princes sweeping the princess off her feet. Or a guy falling deeply in love with a girl out of his league...and then getting her. The list is honestly endless. We grow up with it though...and that is precisely the thought process we go through when dating...that is unless you've dated for a while, then you've probably been slapped back into reality.

- Find the perfect spouse
- Get the perfect job
- Have the perfect family
- Natural disasters, physical ailments, arguments, wars, etc.....don't exist

- Prince charming isn't a model...but he's got his own kind of charming-ness to him
- The princess doesn't live in a castle nor is she a model
- Your lucky to even get a job let alone the one of your dreams with adequate pay
- I'm sorry but your kids (try as you might) will probably be above average but no movie stars, no concert pianists, no no no no no

Don't think I'm being pessimistic just keep reading. So here I am with my friends who talk to me about their relationships and the big question is, "Is there someone better? For me? Will I ever find them? When?" The sad thing about our culture is that there are an assortment and by assortment I mean encyclopedia of ExPeCtAtIoNs. When you are suppose to go on a mission or suppose to get married, what a perfect family is suppose to look like, on and on and on. I think this has a serious tendency to get us in trouble.

Scene from 500 Days of Summer (one of my new favorites)
Then back to the Dream/Reality comparison. WHY can't life be a dream? Why can't we find the perfect opposite? Is it out of fear? Our are we self conscious to the point where we think we have to be perfect ourselves before we can ask anyone to marry us? (..personally that's my biggest problem..)

Anyway, dating is the bomb diggity...and can I just say that HUGS ARE AWESOME! ;) And...why can't life be great like one said it couldn't.