Monday, September 5, 2011

Summary of Summer (EFY VIDS)

Sorry if this page takes for ever to load but some of these are just to awesome/funny/special/memorable to leave them in the corners of my computer.

Either the kids loved this game and you couldn't stop playing it..or they were just like....mmmmm no. In which case I taught them another game that I sadly never recorded...


This kid is something like 10th in the nation, 3rd for his age ....sick awesome...pretty humble about it as well.

This one is super was the spiritual day and we were on our way to a fireside...but it was taking a while. Well its pretty awkward for teenagers to be escorting, don't let them talk to each other to break the tension and that is a lot of sweaty teens. So these people were singing and it just brought the spirit real nice.

Crazy counselors gettin their groove on before the chillin come.

Great act ... too good to pass up.

Okay....number one...this could totally be my dad. Number two...this is what makes EFY kids love their session just gotta do whatcha gotta do :)

And I KNOW my Dad has done completely embarrassing things like this before :) a sliver of a nutshell, that was one of the most fulfilling summers of my life....sorry I'm not going to write more, just know that I freaking loved it. It was so so so so so so soooooooooo EFY!!!!


  1. Sir Charles, Thanks for sharing. I am sure you could write volumes about every EFY group you worked with, but there is much going on and a life to be lived. Right? Grandma Roberts
