Monday, September 5, 2011

An Attempt at Summarizing the Summer (pics of EFY)

Okay, I am going to try and finish this summer business so I can get on to the school year is going to be doozy... I tell ya what. So here is just a sample of the rest of my summer.

Nowadays when people ask me if I liked EFY I think to myself (Does an RM miss the mission?) So I just show them this picture and tell them...does that give you an indication of my feelings on the matter :)

 Here's me with some of my boys, oh ya, and that one with the hat just happens to be Pres. Monson's grandkid. I told him that I like to meet all my boys' grandparents at the end of the week....:) didn't happen, but I did get to meet his dad :) If you want a sweet story about this kid getting a testimony of the prophet ask me about it. Such good memories..seriously.

The lovely Pizza night munchies...LOVED this. An opportunity to let the kids know I wasn't some weirdo...well..okay I am but we got to really know each other here..and I was always able to sneak in a bit about where they wanted to go on their missions :) sneaky me :P

This was my awesome CoCo ARIEL...loved this group...and yes when we introduced the two of us to the group I popped on the "Ariel listen to me...the world..its a at EFY is betta den anyting dey got out deah (proceed with corny new lyrics :)

 This summer was seriously the summer of white sunglasses...these were not mine..but I figured I'd get a pick of $100 somethin sunglasses while they were on my face :)

The little cuties...escorting dem sweet girls. Seriously the cutest sight to behold.

 Okay so if any of my kids are reading this...THIS is how much I must love you guys...I HAD NEVER missed a midnight releasing of HP book or movie ever. No I couldn't beat you at a trivia game..but I do think they are just about the best teenage series ever to be written...SO we as counselors decided to take matters into our own hands and by mid week, we had divided the sessions into houses...we got Ravenclaw (Blue and all) And yes ...that is me with a cape and ...

Yes I printed out badges for as many people as possible...EVERYONE was wearing them..or mad at me for not printing more was SO awesome :) so so so sad

Seriously...great great great people...this was my last CoCo and she was just as amazing as any of them..only she could do a back flip too :) In all seriousness...I don't think these kids know how much they affect us. WE may or may not get more out of these weeks then they do's to missing EFY like a fat boy misses his twinkie...

{Sir Charles III}

1 comment:

  1. You made this week so much better for me! You were so absolutely amazing & it wouldnt be the same without you being my counsler! That was seariously the most amazing week ever! I love & misss efy everyday... I will never get over being greatful for the amazing ippertunuty I was amble to experince. deffs changed me... for the bettter:)

    I love & miss youu <3
