Monday, January 17, 2011


I am very excited about a new hobby of mine: reading. When I was younger I remember reading a ton. I would read everything I could get my hands on. There was one time in Elementary School when the librarian told me I was not aloud to check out a book from a specific section because it was only for the 4th and 5th graders (or something like that). Needless to say my parents came swooping in and there was never another complaint. 

I would read things like Goosebumps and Harry Potter. Whenever we would have the assignment to draw a floor plan for a dream home I would always include a HUGE room with books. Toward High School I stopped reading, probably because the forced us to and anyone who knows me knows I hate being told what to do and when to do it (I take free agency very seriously :) 

So I'm on the mission, and I'm thinking to myself, "Shoot, I miss reading." My companions and I would often talk about the when-we-get-back's. Some of which really haven't happened - like one of mine to produce a successful new Joseph Smith Musical ready for the 200 Anniversary of the First Vision. Ha! Well I am happy to report that reading was on of those when-we-get-back's. We would talk about how we wanted to start reading classics, grow a home library, become more sophisticated as time went on (we're talkin' like 30 years or so). 

Well, I have slowly but surely become something of a book reader. 

Of Contemporary Literature I have read (Since Summer)
The Hunger Games Series
The Percy Jackson Series
The Da Vinci Code
(Working on) The Book Thief

 and of Classic Literature:
The Portrait of Dorian Gray
Pride and Prejudice
The Three Musketeers
Peter Pan

I think it is a very healthy habit that everyone should have. I would go so far as to say that it is in SO many ways more productive than video games. So theirs my pitch. Oh and if anyone has any good suggestions I am more than willing to take them. I'm beginning to become one of those old men who buy more books than they can read...and I'm okay with that.

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