Sunday, April 17, 2011

Uncalled for Monsieur

The other night I took part in possibly one of the best "Man Nights" I have ever been involved in. Unfortunately there was one monsieur there who continued to respond one crude remark after another: so began the unveiling of a dialogue I have had on many occasion.

I suppose I was just raised differently. My Dad was possibly the curator of this respect for women. (Women Respect blog to come). My mother was the only femme fatal at the household so naturally everything from taking girls on dates, to opening the doors for them at church, giving them your seat...the list goes on, we did. One of the most grave things we could do to get in trouble while Dad was home was disrespect Mom somehow. One word. Death.

So naturally, when I am in situations where some guy starts disrespecting a girl, something flips. I suppose this is why I am not a fan of movies with crude humor: stuff that jokes about subjects we talked about on playgrounds in kindergarten.

Taking it back to the party. I'm gonna be honest, I did snap at him. A buddy and I had just gotten to the house. Chowin on the grub...and every comment this guy (not my buddy) makes is tryin to be crude funny. By the fifth one I just told him, "Dude, can you say something that's not crude." Some smart remark came back but I paid no mind.

The night went on. We played all sorts of games. When we finally conclude with the most epic of man movies Live Free or Die Hard. When this monsieur (speaking of the femme fatal) says, "I'll take two." Smart remark. We all enjoyed it. Well played etc.

NOTE TO MEN. Once a card has been played there is no playing it again.

A new signora comes on screen and he says, "I'll take three." I'm like "You couldn't handle one."

To which he...tastelessly says...."I handled your mom last night"


Seriously. Quite possibly the one moment in my life when I was one word from punching someone. I don't get that heated. Like ever. I kept mulling it over. Things that I could have said. I know the whole room would have had my back, had I said something. There's just a difference between a fat-mama joke and a comment like that. Shoot. And the worst of it was, the best I could think of was to delete him from my Facebook. How sad is that?

Needless to say. I have had it with incentive, classless men. I would say see...this is why no one will date him BUT...then you have me :)

Okay peace people.


  1. Dear Charlie,
    Couldn't agree more with everything you said. Remind me sometime to tell you a little secret that I have kept for a while about our little "monsieur." I think in knowing the little info that I know you will find... an overwhelming sense of relief lets say. ;) Until next time,
    - J

  2. Glad to see you have a little Charlie bear inside of you. I'm confused about the last sentence though? Is that college talk?

  3. Sheesh! But way to stand up for your sweet mom!

  4. Yeah, I think you should have just gone ahead and punched him. OK, by me.
