Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Legit is This

So this week has been swamped with many a stressful activity. Can I get an amen? AMEN. Thank you.

This semester I was involved with the Bradley Public Relations Agency. A PR firm that is owned and operated through the students. All of our clients pay the agency some sum of money and that is how we carry on. All of the students act as interns as we are set up in groups to tackle different projects. Crime Reports. UDOT. Jer3miah. are just a few I remember. My team was Provo City. Yes that is correct. My team was asked to come up with a strategic plan to help Downtown Provo become a destination spot. Yep, it was gonna be difficult but seriously HOW COOL IS THAT. I love PR. This semester we conducted surveys, created graphs and time after time presented our results. Because of a very busy schedule until now I had not been apart of these presentations. This week was it. No classes, no work, no ballroom. I was so excited.

My job was to put together the power point and create a captivating conclusion. We were going to present this to the Provo City Council and the Downtown Provo Business Alliance. So this little guy...was lose it and we were finished.

So I put on something business appropriate but still true to my character.

We planned, revamped our presentation, practiced it a few times and off we were to the Provo City Council meeting. Might I just add (1) how legit I felt and (2) how daunting it seemed. 

With a panel like that, I felt like Dumbledore was going to come out and start somethin. AND there were all these seats in the back for anyone who wanted to watch and find out what was happening. AND there was some rumor that this was or would be broadcast and that public channel that you always skip through :)

Anyway it went well. They seemed excited about it. The mayor seemed on board. So our director man took us out to lunch (well that was also because at an end of the semester review, our team beat all the others in the agency with our presentation). Sammy's was the place.

Really awesome place downtown. They prepare the burger right there for you. Very intimate environment. This poor guy was there all by himself when our huge group along with a few others came in. 

So naturally we waited a bit. Here's the agency director (on the left) discussing our plan of action for the next presentation.

AND HERE IS MY BURGER!! I think my favorite part of it, besides the fact that it looked awesome, was the guacamole. Yes guacamole on a burger. SO GREAT.

Yesterday was the last presentation. Now I failed to mention earlier that our point in presenting (besides showing what we had been doing with our time this semester) was to get the funding and the 'okay' to implement our ideas. Which I'm pretty sure we got. So there we were at the Downtown Business Alliance meeting. The night before I was up to about 1:00am completely revamping the presentation again, important little bugger held our success in his pocket.

We got to our destination on the 8th floor (mind you, Provo doesn't have very many 8th floors). So that was pretty cool. 

They fed us, which was pretty much the best barbecue burger I have ever had. Catered by Goodwood Barbecue mind you it was legit. Legit. Legit. Legit. Okay I'm done. 

So I felt pretty awesome. I appreciate the BYU COMMS department so much. Honestly, there are very few universities who allow students this kind of hands on experience. I'm lovin some portfolio :) O YA!! That's my team!!!


  1. Charlie! That is SO LEGIT! Congrats, what a great week for you! :)

  2. DAAANG... Good work!! (and HAPPY B-DAY, again!)

  3. Wow--that sounds great! Also...
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Chaaarliiie,
    Happy Birthday to you!
    I didn't know how else to reach you to sing to you and this probably sounded better anyways! Hope you have a GREAT day!
