Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hugs: Cure-All

Wow. Sorry about ditching out on you guys. I feel really bad after such a great response on my last couple posts. Excuses include the following: I'm trying to get to bed reasonably early considering I wake up every morning at 6:00am to start practicing at 7:00 (lovely...but seriously such a good time to practice), homework, the internship, ballroom, ballroom, and um ya ballroom.

Just on a side note. Lately I have been bi-polar in regards to my ballroom goals. Some days I see how far I have progressed, how far I could potentially go and it is so exciting. I see myself on the Back-Up team next year, and the Blackpool Tour team the year after that. I can see it happening and it is so exciting and awesome.

Other days, I get so frustrated with how much time I spend practicing and competing. I see other couples who seem to be progressing so much faster; getting noticed so much more often. I think about the time I could be spending involved in casual literature, being more social, getting more involved with this internship and other random opportunities....just slightly frustrating.

Then I come out having freaking awesome lessons! Seriously! I love my coaches. I love what the motivation they give me. I'll probably post on that later but for now just know: the right coach can be a miracle worker.

So here goes. 
One day I shall do this. Pretty sure I give awesome hugs.
These are Italian cookies called abbracci (hugs)
Same Italian (obviously)
Cool pick huh?!? ya I know
Hugs are awesome. The end.

1 comment:

  1. This made my day. So positive even if you're a little frustrated at times.

    Charlie! I just love you. Can we hang out sometime ... soon?

