Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas in Italy (Part 3)

It wasn't easy to place my finger on it, but I do think I have discovered the reason I loved Christmas in Italy so much. I can tell you this, it wasn't the presents. I had bought and sent them off weeks before Christmas 
(I think one time there were three or four packages).

There is no question in my mind, that the reason I loved Christmas in Italy so much was because I spent it fully focused on the Savior. As a missionary, Christian holidays were always moments to celebrate. The Spirit of Christ filled the air, people were more hospitable, and more likely to open there doors. Our message of eternal families and the Saviors visitation to the America's 
seemed to appeal to a much more captivated audience.

As missionaries, we only had a few weeks where we could play the Christmas card, so we tried thinking of inventive ways to teach, contact, and get referrals. I think the best part of Christmas started Christmas Eve night, when all the missionaries went to the nearest cathedral to listen to the Midnight Mass. We walked home that evening and began our official celebration with a prayer of thanksgiving. A suggestion from our mission president turned into a tradition that I hope never to stop. Either Christmas Eve night or the following morning before opening presents, I get down on my knees and in solemnity thank my Heavenly Father for the life of His Son Jesus Christ. I try and think of all the reasons i am thankful for Him, the moments when having a testimony has really helped me through a hard time...and I can't say that I don't get a little emotional.

I then give my present. In a way its an early New Years resolution but this one is specific to living more like the Savior. Something I will 'give' Him. Christmas morning we were allowed to sleep in (I think it was technically the only day we could :) but we decided to start with a brief scripture study of Luke 2 that eventually grew to all the scriptures that prophecy of Christ's birth.

We tried to make opening presents just as exciting as it was back home...but it wasn't the same. We mostly laughed at the presents we got from our family: the inside jokes, the fact that we asked for deodorant :)...typical missionary gifts I suppose. After which we went to member's houses and ate just about the best Italian food in. the. world. Spoke with our parents and family of course...and that was it.
I mean it was in Italy so that alone made it memorable. 
But focusing on Christ, as his representative to the Italian people...nothing comes close. 


  1. Can I just say how much I love you. You have grown so much and I love the new traditions you have started and hope you will let us start some of them as well.

  2. PS - I'm stealing this idea for my blog (just forewarning).

    PPS - You know those missionary journals we got while we were in Vegas, well...mine is missing.

    PPS - you spelled allowed wrong (you spelled it aloud).

    T'amo. Buon Natale
