Thursday, November 4, 2010

Correction!... I am NOT your StRaIgHt "gay-friend"

Please don't be ridiculous and think that this is some ridiculous way of me saying I'm gay. ABSOLUTELY not! I just have to put something up about what happened the other day.

A little background: When I was growing up and learning to pick out what clothes I would wear to school, I would always have to pass it by my mother before I left the you mom :) Often times she would disagree with the fashion sense of a first-grader but hey, I tried :) So, I grew up knowing how to match my clothes. Big woop. My mother also taught me to compliment girls (my mom's awesome) so forgive me for telling you one of many compliments I pay to girls daily. My dad is in theatre so forgive me for knowing if something fits you well, if you would flatter yourself more by doing your make-up differently, or if you re-styled your hair. AND I served in Italy (fashion capitol of the world, FYI).

(PS...I do have a Dolce&Gabana knock-off belt, and a Gucci belt so...don't judge)

Now although girls SAY they want their guy to notice these things, I'm not so sure how truthful that is. Sometimes I think they feel a little creeped out. Forgive my chivalry.


Do NOT use me. I cannot tell you if the guy your dating is cute. Sorry. I am not here solely to act as an image consultant (although I do enjoy putting in my two cents). Yes, there was an incidence that provoked this post. No, none of you reading this is that person so don't think I am getting after any of you.

Don't get me wrong, I do have an opinion on what girls should and shouldn't wear. Yes guys, I could even give you an opinion on how to impress the girls. BUT I am NOT your straight-gay-friend.

The End

{Sir Charles}