Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dream Job

Sorry for the lack of AWESOME posts like there have been in the past. No time to think with school, but I just keep telling myself...13 more days! WOW that feels good.

So last night and this morning I kinda went on this Youtube binge of SYTYCD choreography predominately the group routines. I found some really cool ones I never got to see from seasons 3 and 4 along with some from other countries. Here are just a few of the favorites that occupied my time. that I got that out of my system I can go on to explain to you my absolute dream job! As we have been putting together the finale for this Ballroom Concert, I have been reminded of just how much fun it is to be in a production. The finale is super exciting! Unlike anything BYU has done in a while. This was last years (I'm in it but I don't think you can really point me out with all the zooming).

Our production was inspired by the Mystere Cirque du Soleil show (that consequently was the inspiration for our Latin Tour team's medley and win at Blackpool Formation Championship in England).

So back to my dream job. I would LOVE to be in charge of a show like Cirque du Soleil: especially their Ka production in Vegas which I saw this last summer.

Seriously, I just can't get enough of it. The imagination and artistry that goes into the costumes and makeup. It is SO cool how you can completely recreate form and shape with those two elements. I suppose it does help that there are contortionists as well :)  

The choreographic blend of acrobatics and dance is so spectacular to watch. Seriously, if you wanna see the best production, ambience, set, make-up, story, etc...go to KA

Other dream job would be to become a critique, so I could have the opportunity of watching shows everyday. Enjoying the talent people have worked so hard for, helping the overall flow work better. Seriously DREAM JOB!

But I suppose I could settle for having a real job and choreographing at a studio on the side a few ballroom team numbers. Maybe a few show choir pieces like back in the day...but not so cheezy :)

SO! Get your tickets from ME to this years Ballroom Concert Imagine. Seriously it will be awesome!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I already bought them from you! Yeah baby!
