Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dream Job

Sorry for the lack of AWESOME posts like there have been in the past. No time to think with school, but I just keep telling myself...13 more days! WOW that feels good.

So last night and this morning I kinda went on this Youtube binge of SYTYCD choreography predominately the group routines. I found some really cool ones I never got to see from seasons 3 and 4 along with some from other countries. Here are just a few of the favorites that occupied my time. that I got that out of my system I can go on to explain to you my absolute dream job! As we have been putting together the finale for this Ballroom Concert, I have been reminded of just how much fun it is to be in a production. The finale is super exciting! Unlike anything BYU has done in a while. This was last years (I'm in it but I don't think you can really point me out with all the zooming).

Our production was inspired by the Mystere Cirque du Soleil show (that consequently was the inspiration for our Latin Tour team's medley and win at Blackpool Formation Championship in England).

So back to my dream job. I would LOVE to be in charge of a show like Cirque du Soleil: especially their Ka production in Vegas which I saw this last summer.

Seriously, I just can't get enough of it. The imagination and artistry that goes into the costumes and makeup. It is SO cool how you can completely recreate form and shape with those two elements. I suppose it does help that there are contortionists as well :)  

The choreographic blend of acrobatics and dance is so spectacular to watch. Seriously, if you wanna see the best production, ambience, set, make-up, story, etc...go to KA

Other dream job would be to become a critique, so I could have the opportunity of watching shows everyday. Enjoying the talent people have worked so hard for, helping the overall flow work better. Seriously DREAM JOB!

But I suppose I could settle for having a real job and choreographing at a studio on the side a few ballroom team numbers. Maybe a few show choir pieces like back in the day...but not so cheezy :)

SO! Get your tickets from ME to this years Ballroom Concert Imagine. Seriously it will be awesome!!! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

An Attempt at Deep Thoughts

It's been a while since I've actually posted something worth reading. Yes if you want to see what I have been up to check this site out for videos of this year's national ballroom competition.

So what is there to write about that I haven't already touched on. I have a personal vendetta against anti-BYU people: the reasons continue to grow with every uneducated, unsubstantiated, STUPID comment they make. We all know my life is kind of ... well really overrun with Ballroom. But I'm okay with that. I have a personal obsession with giving advice on maturity. So, lets talk about something controversial like Break-Ups....or not. Actually I promised myself I would never intentionally write anything on my blog that would hurt someones feelings. I know that if I were to write it with the best of intentions, something would be taken out of context. limits

Here goes.... I'm not the most open person.

No, I am not trying to be emo, and no I don't need counseling. But if you could grant me a few moments of deep reflection. Actually I would venture to say that most people have that deep dark somewhere inside themselves that few if anyone is aloud to know about. Why?

Well I'm just going to speak from a personal standpoint and hopefully it echoes with some of you out there. Friends of mine know I love to be a listening ear. I try and give you not just the "what you wanna hear" but a little something more. I know, how much more vague can I be. Let me illuminate. When I listen to your problems, your worries, your fears, your heartaches and your dreams I'm gonna tell you honestly where you might have made a mistake, where you lack in confidence, and perhaps the TRUTH of what you're afraid of.

Lets run with this for a bit. The TRUTH. When you are worried about school and homework are you really worried about getting that 5 page paper done? Probably not. Seriously who cares? BUT you do care that you maintain your GPA for your scholarship or you worry about a future employer looking at a copy of your transcript. So future stuff right?

Behind every question is the real question. Every time you ask your besty a question, a true besty will not answer or give advice before they understand the REAL question. Be honest with yourself now.

When we are on the giving or receiving end of a break up (oh snap here it comes) why does it hurt so bad? Well this one actually has a lot of layers so here it comes: your scared you learned nothing, your scared you invested all that emotional energy in vain, your scared there's no one else, your scared of what other people will think, your scared there is something flawed in your personality or appearance

etc etc etc
The TRUTH is, don't worry about it. To quote Carlotta, "Dis tings do appen!" or better, marriage WILL happen. AND if we prepare ourselves, as we all know we should, they will be the absolute bestest best person ever.

So lets pull this full circle and confuse the crap out of all you; I'm not a very open person. Everyone has that deep down somewhere. Those skeletons no one knows about it. The place we protect because it is too close to our heart. I think its awesome!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Up and Coming

So here are the results for the 2011 U.S. National Dancesport Championship

Novice Ballroom (Upset)
Quarterfinal Round

Pre-Champ Ballroom
Quarterfinal Round

Novice Latin 
6th Place

Pre-Champ Latin (Suprise)
Semifinal Round (tied for 9th)

Pre-Champ Smooth
5th Place

 Amateur Smooth
Quarterfinal Round (15th) 
Which technically means we are 15th Amateur couple in the Nation/ huh? :) 

ps...get your tickets from me for the BYU Ballroom Company Concert April 8-9

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Back into the Swing of Things

Don't worry everyone, my next post will be an overview of how I fared at DanceSport. For now I just wanted to get a few things on the blog about getting back to real life.

After a weekend like DanceSport of ups and downs, it was very difficult to completely grasp the fact that there is about a month left to the semester. Meaning. I have at least an additional paper, exam, or presentation before their final counterparts at the end of the semester. BAH!

It is difficult to find the motivation to do these papers and presentations because I don't necessarily know the type of job I want. I mean, I LOVE the Public Relations major at BYU. I love the classes, the style of instruction, and I am fairly certain there is not a major more suitable to my talents (that pays as much in the long run) ...what to do once I'm done -- another story. (There was a great motivational speaker that came and talked to us about internships, lets just say I'm excited but I'll fill in more later).

The technique classes are a little difficult to control considering Nationals is over. It seems that there is not much to look forward to, or work towards. So it is with practicing. I feel an empty hole of personal expression that lately was filled with dance. I find myself samba walking through grocery stores, lifting my hip to rumba walk anytime I am standing talking with someone, or practicing a throw away over sway whenever I see a reflection.

A social life? Ya, um that's slightly difficult after you've spent around three hours outside of school and work each day practicing. I hardly know people in my ward. Just about everyone in the ballroom world is engaged or dating someone. So I am left to get back to my studies I suppose.

I can't wait for the semester to be over. I can't wait to lay outside by the pool. Read a few books. Sleep in. Make money.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To All You Haters

First off I love a stimulating conversation. I am a respectfully opinionated person and I enjoy a well worded argument. Not argument in the yelling-I-hate-you-I'm-gonna-put-you-down-with-degrading-comments-sense but the lets-see-which-party-can-respectfully-persuade-the-other-party-according-to-case-description.

So I kind of blew up on a friend of mine the other day (sorry again, you were just the lucky duck of the day to receive my wrath) about people who say the phrase, "I hate BYU". Well here it goes people: Soap Box #739.

To all you people who go to BYU and constantly say (or have the attitude of) I HATE BYU. I say to you.. Seriously? Here's my point of view. The only reason people have this stupid mindset is because of outrageous outliers and creepers. I'm gonna give you that one, there are the self-righteous...but lets be honest, where else would they go? And there are those male and female who have come to BYU solely to get sure, we can continue being cynical about the situation or we can realize the positives of the BYU experience.

We all know that everyone in the back of their mind is thinking, when am I going to get married. Seriously don't deny it. It is the next step progression wise in the Gospel. And if I'm wrong on this point, which I'm pretty sure I'm not, tell me. So people, don't get angry that there are some sweet spirits who are a little excited to find their eternal companion amongst some 30,000 members. Seriously people: members in places like Europe are forced to decide to pick from the very shallow dating pool or marry a nonmember in the hopes that they will get baptized.

There's not a lot of diversity. True.  BUT... its not BYU's fault that there is not diversity. Mormons on the west coast are predominately white middle class Americans. Pretty boring. Our views are predominately republican. True. AND I do get annoyed when professors try and force their opinion as doctrine. THAT is not BYU's fault as well. Just poor teaching. The role of a college professor is to provide an intellectual atmosphere where we can make decisions of our own based on research and historical background. Diversity I would love...but it comes with the territory.

No missionary opportunities. I'm sorry but there absolutely is! One of the biggest problems especially at BYU is inactivity. How many of us know people who ward hop? It's so widespread that you're probably one of them. Or what about your roommates who don't go to church, or do their home teaching, go to the temple regularly, etc. Seriously we could all list more than 10 people that could have need of our fellowship. So missionary work does exist. You just think it doesn't because its more challenging than handing off someone to the missionaries.

I'm going to admit that the Provo area is a little particular but lets be honest, they are marketing to a sober college student population. There is a lot to do around Provo when you think about it especially when it gets warmer; all the beautiful countryside and trails. True it's not green like Washington or Texas but it's got a beauty of its own.

To those of you who have transferred by choice or by obligation from BYUI to BYU and you miss the ol' Idaho. GET OVER IT. Seriously, I know that BYUI has a lot to offer, but you're hear, at the REAL BYU so get used to it and enjoy yourself. BYU has SO much to offer. Just look at our sporting events. If you want energy, excitement and school spirit just go to one of those. Seriously basketball this year ?!?!?!?! HELLO!!!

(PS. Jimmer is awesome. I just met him yesterday along with the rest of the team, they are so chill. SO much more respect for them.)

Other opportunities include the vast amount of languages offered and spoken on campus. Arguably the best place to learn a foreign language outside the MTC. The temple is just a few blocks down the street. There are many WORLD renown performing groups that have done wonders for missionary work over seas. Study abroad opportunities, the BYU Jerusalem center....AND General Authorities come here often to speak.  Some of you people are just taking these blessings for granted.

I agree wholeheartedly that if there was a BYU Cali it would ROCK! That is all.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Women's Day

Before I post the blog I've been working on, I had to post a little shout out to the women. Today is Woman's Day and I don't think we celebrate this too much in America. In Italy they give out Mimosa blossoms, specifically the yellow ones. 

I remember in Gorizia, we would help this older gentleman with his yard work on a weekly basis. When it came time for 8 Marzo, everyone came over to his house because of the Mimosa tree he had, and grab a couple branches. 

Auguri per la festa della donna...I found these two phrases that I really liked so enjoy or translate as you see fit.

"Tanti auguri con tutto il cuore e siate sempre di buonumore, perche' voi donne siete un fiore e con un sorriso rallegrate il nostro cuore"

"La donna uscì dalla costola dell'uomo non dai piedi per essere calpestata, nè dalla testa per essere superiore. Ma dal lato per essere uguale, sotto il braccio per essere protetta e accanto al cuore per essere amata."

Sunday, March 6, 2011


This is looking down
This is my new ballroom face. Apparently my biggest problem in ballroom currently is my addiction to looking down. Today at a lesson with one of my favorite coaches, we were working on the Smooth dances (Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz). After showing our Tango to Michael, we went up to him and asked what we could bandage up before the weekend competition....drum roll please....I look down WAY to much in the Tango. Earlier this week I had a lesson with him as well and we worked on keeping my head up...and I mean way up while I dance. Now you may be thinking, Sir Charles, why on earth would you look down while you dance. I would respond, I don't. In ballroom anything at or below a straight leveled head is looking down. Its true! I watched a couple do it today and it was so distracting.

So back to our lesson, we proceeded to walk through our tango routine and he pointed out every. moment. that. I. looked. down. Which was a lot. Dang. I was addicted. My coach said I needed to go to the DA (Downlookers Anonymous) to get over my addiction. Now, I am formally announcing that I have decided to cut back. I am only allowed to look down twice in that Tango. I'm going cold turkey people. There's no looking back....or down.


We call this new look of mine StoneGaze (in memorium to Zoolander's BlueSteal). So forever more I shall be known as Sir Charles III Commander of StoneGaze.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Come to DanceSport and Support

U.S. National Amateur Dancesport Championships
March 9th - 12th, 2011 - BYU Marriott Center
Schedule of Events - Final

Wednesday - March 9th 6:30 pm Welcome
6:35 pm Semifinal - U.S. National Youth Ballroom Formation Championship
7:40 pm Final - U.S. National Junior I & II Combined Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)
Final - U.S. National Junior I & II Combined Rhythm Championship (CC/R/SW/M)

8:00 pm Awards: Junior Smooth & Rhythm

8:05 pm Semifinal - U.S. National Youth Latin Formation Championship (LM) 9:45 pm Announcement of Formation Team Division I & II Qualifications 9:50 pm End of Wednesday Evening Session
Thursday - March 10th 8:00 am Welcome 8:05 am 1st Round - Youth Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/PD)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 285 - Silver Latin (R)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 380 - Gold American (M)
2nd Round - Youth Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/PD)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 285 - Silver Latin (R)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 382 - Gold Ballroom (T)
Quarterfinal - Youth Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/PD)
3rd Round - BYU DANCE 285 - Silver Latin (R)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 380 - Gold American (M)
Semifinal - Youth Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/PD)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 382 - Gold Ballroom (T)
Final - Elementary School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Final - Youth Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/PD) 9:55 am Awards: Elementary School Ballroom & Youth Pre-Champ Latin
10:00 am 1st Round - High School - Newcomer American (SW)
1st Round - Junior High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
1st Round - Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
2nd Round - High School - Newcomer American (SW)
2nd Round - Junior High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
2nd Round - Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
3rd Round - High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Quarterfinal - Junior High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Quarterfinal - Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
Quarterfinal - High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Semifinal - Junior High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Semifinal - Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
Semifinal - High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Final - Junior High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Final - Novice Ballroom (W/Q)
Final - High School - Newcomer American (SW) 12:00 pm Awards: Junior High American, High School Swing, and Novice Ballroom
Thursday Daytime - continued
12:05pm Semifinal - U.S. National Junior Latin Formation Championship (LM)
1st Round - High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
1st Round - Youth Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
2nd Round - High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Quarterfinal - Youth Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
3rd Round - High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Semifinal - Youth Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
Quarterfinal - High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q) 2:15 pm U.S. National Junior Latin Formation Championship - Division II Final 2:35 pm High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Final - Youth Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
Final - High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)

2:55 pm Awards: High School Ballroom, Youth Pre-Champ, and Formation Teams 3:05 pm 1st Round - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
1st Round - Elementary School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/PD)
1st Round - Pre-Championship Smooth (W/T/F)
2nd Round - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Quarterfinal - Elementary School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/PD)
Quarterfinal - Pre-Championship Smooth (W/T/F)
Quarterfinal - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Semifinal - Elementary School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/PD)
Semifinal - Pre-Championship Smooth (W/T/F)
Semifinal - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q)
Final - Elementary School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/PD)
Final - Pre-Championship Smooth (W/T/F)
Final - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Ballroom (W/Q) 4:53 pm Awards: Elementary School Latin, Junior High School Ballroom, and Pre-Champ
5:00 pm End of Thursday Daytime Session
5:00 pm Welcome Back
1st Round - BYU DANCE 181 - Bronze Country Western (TS)
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Youth Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 181 - Bronze Country Western (TS)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 281 - Silver Country Western (PO)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 285 - Silver Latin (R)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 380 - Gold American (M)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 181 - Bronze Country Western (TS)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 281 - Silver Country Western (PO)
Semifinal - U.S. National Youth Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 382 - Gold Ballroom (T)
Final - BYU DANCE 181 - Bronze Country Western (TS)
Final - BYU DANCE 281 - Silver Country Western (PO)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 285 - Silver Latin (R)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 380 - Gold American (M)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 382 - Gold Ballroom (T)
Final - U.S. National Youth Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)
Final - BYU DANCE 285 - Silver Latin (R)
Final - BYU DANCE 380 - Gold American (M)
Final - BYU DANCE 382 - Gold Ballroom (T) 6:20 pm Awards: BYU Dance 181, 281, 285, 380, & 382 and Youth Smooth
6:30 pm 1st Round - Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/R)
Final - U.S. National Junior Latin Formation Championship (LM)

7:15 pm Awards: Junior Latin Formation
7:20 pm 2nd Round - Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/R)
U.S. National Youth Ballroom Formation Championship - Division II Final 8:15 pm Presentation of BYU Ballroom Dance Company Academic Scholarships
Awards: Youth Ballroom Formation
8:25 pm Quarterfinal - Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/R)
Utah State High School Team Match (Q/S/W/T/CC/SW)
Semifinal - Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/R)
U.S. National Youth Latin Formation Championship - Division II Final
10:05 pm Final - Pre-Championship Latin (CC/S/R)
10:10 pm Awards: Pre-Championship Latin & Youth Latin Formation 10:20 pm End of Thursday Evening Session
Friday Daytime Friday - March 11th 8:00 am Welcome 8:05 am 1st Round - BYU DANCE 184 - Bronze Ballroom (Q)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 280 - Silver American (SW)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 184 - Bronze Ballroom (Q)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 480 - Gold Bar American (WCS)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 280 - Silver American (SW)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 484 - Gold Bar Ballroom (F)
3rd Round - BYU DANCE 184 - Bronze Ballroom (Q)
3rd Round - BYU DANCE 280 - Silver American (SW)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 383 - Gold Latin (S)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 480 - Gold Bar American (WCS)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 484 - Gold Bar Ballroom (F)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 184 - Bronze Ballroom (Q)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 280 - Silver American (SW)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 383 - Gold Latin (S)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 480 - Gold Bar American (WCS)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 484 - Gold Bar Ballroom (F)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 184 - Bronze Ballroom (Q)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 280 - Silver American (SW)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 383 - Gold Latin (S)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 480 - Gold Bar American (WCS)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 484 - Gold Bar Ballroom (F)
Final - BYU DANCE 184 - Bronze Ballroom (Q)
Final - BYU DANCE 280 - Silver American (SW)
Final - BYU DANCE 383 - Gold Latin (S)
Final - BYU DANCE 480 - Gold Bar American (WCS)
Final - BYU DANCE 484 - Gold Bar Ballroom (F)
10:05 am Awards: BYU Dance 184, 280, 383, 480, & 484
10:10 am 1st Round - High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
1st Round - Novice Latin (S/R)
1st Round - U.S. National Youth Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
2nd Round - High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
2nd Round - Novice Latin (S/R)
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Youth Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
3rd Round - High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
3rd Round - Novice Latin (S/R)
Semifinal - U.S. National Youth Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Quarterfinal - High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
12:50 pm Quarterfinal - Novice Latin (S/R)
Semifinal - High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
Semifinal - Novice Latin (S/R)
Final - U.S. National Youth Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Final - High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
Final - Novice Latin (S/R)

1:30 pm Awards: High School Latin, Youth Latin, and Novice Latin 1:35 pm 1st Round - Junior High School - Newcomer American (SW)
1st Round - Elementary School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
1st Round - Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
2nd Round - Junior High School - Newcomer American (SW)
2nd Round - Elementary School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
2nd Round - Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
3rd Round - Junior High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Quarterfinal - Elementary School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Quarterfinal - Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
Quarterfinal - Junior High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Semifinal - Elementary School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Semifinal - Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
Semifinal - Junior High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Final - Elementary School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Final - U.S. National Pre-Teen II Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - Junior High School - Newcomer American (SW)
Final - Pre-Championship Ballroom (W/T/Q)
3:55 pm Awards: Elementary School American, Junior High Swing, P-Teen & Pre-Champ
4:05 pm Semifinal - U.S. National Under 21 Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Semifinal - U.S. National Amateur Cabaret Championship (CA)
Final - U.S. National Under 21 Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - U.S. National Junior I Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
5:10 pm Awards: Junior I Ballroom & Under 21 Ballroom
5:15 pm End of Friday Daytime Session 5:45 pm Welcome Back
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Junior II Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Amateur Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)
Semifinal - U.S. National Pre-Teen Latin Formation Championship (LM)
Semifinal - U.S. National Junior II Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Semifinal - U.S. National Amateur Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)
6:55 pm U.S. National Pre-Teen Latin Formation Championship - Division II Final
7:10 pm Final - U.S. National Junior II Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - U.S. National Amateur Smooth Championship (W/T/F/VW)

7:30 pm Awards: Junior Ballroom, Amateur Smooth, and Pre-Teen Formation Teams

7:40 pm Opening Ceremony: U.S. National Amateur Latin Championship

7:50 pm 1st Round - U.S. National Amateur Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Final - U.S. National Pre-Teen Latin Formation Championship (LM)

8:35 pm Introduction of BYU Incoming Student Scholarship Finalists
Awards: Pre-Teen Formation Teams

8:40 pm Professional Showcase: Eric Luna & Georgia Ambarian

8:50 pm Quarterfinal - U.S. National Amateur Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Final - U.S. National Youth Ballroom Formation Championship (STM)

9:35 pm Presentation of BYU Ballroom Dance Company Academic & Tour Scholarships Awards: Youth Ballroom Formation

9:40 pm Semifinal - U.S. National Amateur Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)

9:50 pm Presentation of BYU Ballroom Dance Company Academic & Tour Scholarships

10:00 pm Professional Showcase: Eric Luna & Georgia Ambarian
10:05 pm Introduction of Adjudicators

10:10 pm Final - U.S. National Amateur Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)

10:25 pm Awards: Amateur Latin 10:30 pm End of Friday Evening Session
Saturday - March 12th 8:00 am Welcome

8:05 am 1st Round - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
8:20 am All on Cha Cha - BYU Dance 180

8:25 am 1st Round - BYU DANCE 185 - Bronze Latin (S)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 185 - Bronze Latin (S)
1st Round - BYU DANCE 284 - Silver Ballroom (W)
3rd Round - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
3rd Round - BYU DANCE 185 - Bronze Latin (S)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 284 - Silver Ballroom (W)
4th Round - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
3rd Round - BYU DANCE 284 - Silver Ballroom (W)
5th Round - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)

9:55 am Announcement of evening call backs for BYU Class Events 10:00 am 1st Round - High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
1st Round - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
2nd Round - High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
2nd Round - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
3rd Round - High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Quarterfinal - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
Quarterfinal - High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Semifinal - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
Semifinal - High School - Syllabus American (F/CC)
Final - U.S. National Pre-Teen Ballroom Formation Championship (STM)
Final - Junior High School - ISTD Syllabus Latin (S/R)
Final - High School - Syllabus American (F/CC) 12:05 pm Awards: Junior High, High School, Formation Teams
12:15 pm Elementary Ballroom Team Match
Saturday Daytime - continued

12:45 pm 1st Round - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW)
1st Round - U.S. National Youth Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
2nd Round - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW)
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Junior I Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Youth Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
3rd Round - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW)
Semifinal - U.S. National Junior I Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
4th Round - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW)
Semifinal - U.S. National Youth Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Quarterfinal - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW)
Final - U.S. National Junior I Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Semifinal - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW)
Final - U.S. National Youth Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - Elementary School - Newcomer American (SW) 3:05 pm Awards: Elementary School Swing, Junior I Latin, and Youth Ballroom

3:15 pm Quarterfinal - U.S. National Under 21 Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Semifinal - U.S. National Junior Ballroom Formation Championship (STM)
Semifinal - U.S. National Under 21 Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
4:15 pm U.S. National Junior Ballroom Formation Championship - Division II Final - 4:35 pm Final - U.S. National Pre-Teen II Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Final - U.S. National Under 21 Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Final - U.S. National Junior Ballroom Formation Championship (STM)

5:15 PM Awards: Pre-Teen II Latin, Under 21, and Formation Teams

5:25 PM End of Saturday Daytime Session 5:45 pm Welcome Back
1st Round - BYU DANCE 485 - Gold Bar Latin (PD)
Quarterfinal - U.S. National Junior II Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
2nd Round - BYU DANCE 485 - Gold Bar Latin (PD)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 185 - Bronze Latin (S)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 284 - Silver Ballroom (W)
Semifinal - U.S. National Junior II Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Quarterfinal - BYU DANCE 485 - Gold Bar Latin (PD)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 185 - Bronze Latin (S)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 284 - Silver Ballroom (W)
Semifinal - BYU DANCE 485 - Gold Bar Latin (PD)
Final - BYU DANCE 180 - Bronze American (CC)
Final - BYU DANCE 185 - Bronze Latin (S)
Final - BYU DANCE 284 - Silver Ballroom (W)
Final - BYU DANCE 485 - Gold Bar Latin (PD)
Final - U.S. National Junior II Latin Championship (CC/S/R/PD/J)

7:15 pm Awards: BYU Dance 180, 185, 284, & 485 and Junior II Latin
7:25 pm Presentation of BYU Incoming Student Academic Scholarships

7:35 pm Opening Ceremony: U.S. National Amateur Ballroom Championship

7:45 pm 1st Round - U.S. National Amateur Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - U.S. National Youth Latin Formation Championship (LM)

8:55 PM Presentation of BYU Ballroom Dance Company Academic & Tour Scholarships

9:05 PM Awards: Formation Teams

9:10 PM Quarterfinal - U.S. National Amateur Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - America's Battle of Champions (CC/S/R/PD/J)
Semifinal - U.S. National Amateur Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)
Final - U.S. National Amateur Cabaret Championship (CA) 10:15 PM Introduction of Adjudicators

10:20 PM Final - U.S. National Amateur Ballroom Championship (W/T/VW/F/Q)

10:30 PM Awards: Amateur Cabaret & Amateur Ballroom 10:40 PM End of Saturday Evening Session

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hugs: Cure-All

Wow. Sorry about ditching out on you guys. I feel really bad after such a great response on my last couple posts. Excuses include the following: I'm trying to get to bed reasonably early considering I wake up every morning at 6:00am to start practicing at 7:00 (lovely...but seriously such a good time to practice), homework, the internship, ballroom, ballroom, and um ya ballroom.

Just on a side note. Lately I have been bi-polar in regards to my ballroom goals. Some days I see how far I have progressed, how far I could potentially go and it is so exciting. I see myself on the Back-Up team next year, and the Blackpool Tour team the year after that. I can see it happening and it is so exciting and awesome.

Other days, I get so frustrated with how much time I spend practicing and competing. I see other couples who seem to be progressing so much faster; getting noticed so much more often. I think about the time I could be spending involved in casual literature, being more social, getting more involved with this internship and other random opportunities....just slightly frustrating.

Then I come out having freaking awesome lessons! Seriously! I love my coaches. I love what the motivation they give me. I'll probably post on that later but for now just know: the right coach can be a miracle worker.

So here goes. 
One day I shall do this. Pretty sure I give awesome hugs.
These are Italian cookies called abbracci (hugs)
Same Italian (obviously)
Cool pick huh?!? ya I know
Hugs are awesome. The end.