Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lessons in Attraction: Lesson 2

Things that make you less attractive:


Girls, just about every inch of your body looks 10 times worse when you slouch. ESPECIALLY in immodest clothing. I seriously just had a memory wave of scarring high school fashion flops. euhhh. By standing up straight (not overly so...nobody wants you're butt sticking out because you're trying to stick other things out. Seriously.) you show a natural beauty and confidence about yourself, what you're wearing, who you are as a person..the list just goes on and on.


I realize that life is hard girls but there is no reason you should sulk around. I can understand having a bad day. Only show that to your closest friends. Okay? Because your close friends will console you and do what good friends should do. But if I see you walking around sulking, doing the puppy dog look thing. It doesn't get much worse. Nevertheless, you should not put on a fake Valley-Girl persona if you aren't like that.  I guarantee you can't pull it off attractively if that's not who the real you is. 


If you're the kind of girl you're parents raised you to be, you would never purposefully wear those kind of clothes. I can't figure out why girls continue to do it though. Do you seriously want guys looking at that part of you (whatever it may be) instead of getting to know you? Do you like attracting those kind of guys? I guarantee again that their not the type that's gonna make you really happy. Be modest. There really is something to be said about wearing modest clothes. Classy. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Elegant. Stunning. Well, I think you get the idea.


WOW. I've talked to many a guy about this and lets be honest, we want someone who is fun outgoing, creative, healthy, etc. BUT mature as well. There is a time and a place to act like High High School. OOOOoooo this erks me so bad. If you have something to say to me, SAY IT! (now that I'm writing this I'm pretty sure I've already blogged this. But obviously some of you did not get the message!) There is a time and a place for slumber party giggling betwixt your girlfriends about inside jokes or whatever. DO NOT do that in front of guys. To an extent of course you can make the initial eye contact if you're on a double date with your BFF and just giggle in your head. Talk about it later. But that is just plain rude. DON'T talk about your weight! Be proud of what you got or do something about it. LEARN TO BE RESPECTFUL of other people's time and money. We guys are forking out a lot of dough for you and you're not even our WIFE! One more thing and I'll be done. YOU'RE in college. (okay two) LEARN to act on your own accord. Sure your parents are great advise sources...heck they've made all the mistakes we're making right now BUT you are an ADULT at least that's the kind of people I thought were in COLLEGE. AND. Branch out. Learn to make new friends. Don't leave your old friends. Heavens. But be adventurous.

Okay wow..sorry...that was a lot but I'm done now.

{Sir Charles III}


  1. Oh I just came across your blog! How I miss you!!! Where did you ever find that photo of those slouching girls... it is just classy :)
    I am excited to see into your world now!
