Tuesday, January 4, 2011

CaseAnalysis: Glen-hood < Girl Out of My League

This is a case I have been trying to solve for some time. I am more than open to other opinions because this is just plain difficult.

I live at the Glenwood, aforementioned Glen'hood' due to the fact it was built something like 60 years ago...making it one of the oldest apartment complexes rent-able to BYU students. As a student living here, you might have heard from your friends, "Oh my gosh, that's where my parents met. There is no way I am living there." I couldn't agree more with them. There is no way I would willingly put myself through that time capsule...any yet...I have. The point is they are old, our floor has something we like to call tectonic plates: various parts of the floor (the cement) have begun to deteriorate and rock as you walk past them. Yes its true someone had a party last year and fell through the living room where similar tectonic plates were located. 

So why is this a problem for the girls you ask?...Really. You have to ask. Alright. Well. I live here, for some positive reasons I will not go into at the moment but living here definitely puts a barrier on the types of girls I can (A and B) and can't (C) invite over. 
Subject A Girl - Good friends of mine who know me, know my sense of humor, with whom I have hung out with perhaps previously, several times, etc.

Subject B Girl - Girls who have lived or live in the Glen'hood' currently.

Subject C Girl - Girls I want to impress that are absolutely and completely out of my league...of whose social group has nothing to do with mine, with whom I have no classes...but nevertheless see often in passing. 

 Ladies and Gentleman, what's a poor guy to do? Lets say we have a specific Girl C in mind. Girl C and I are not friends with the same people so we rarely see each other in fun, comfortable settings. My next option would be to use my place as a location to begin dating...nevertheless I can't invite her over because the apartment is rarely clean, I have 5 roommates, two of which have more or less claimed the couches in the living room (or only available area to socialize with girls). My only option left is the out-to-do-something which normally costs money (and currently I try to avoid this). And lets be honest, it is much easier (at least for me) to start to date someone seriously if you are friends already from class, the ward, or another social organization that has procured a comfortable environment wherein man and woman can act like complete idiots (aka themselves) in front of each other.

Lets be honest people, rarely do we relax and act ourselves on dates with people we hardly know...actually I'm gonna say that's a never.

{Sir Charles III}

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