Saturday, October 16, 2010


A little background...

I have bounced around several majors since I started my college career. When I was first accepted into BYU I was a Pre-Music / MDT (Music Dance Theatre) major. My plan was to have fun in college in classes that I would enjoy, get a minor in business and open theaters across the states...become some sort of a producer. My thought process behind that came from the quote, "The best career choice is something that you could get paid nothing to do." So I figured, I have an excellent eye for a good production. I would do anything to offer my critiques on a show; what needed to be changed, who needed to be fired, etc. (ormai) That dream has long gone.

I served a two year church mission to Italy (more on this later). Two years is quite a bit of time to think about things and in the end although I did not necessarily decide, I did know that I wanted something equally enjoyable...but stable.

So I came back to BYU with ideas like, Business Management and International Relations. I also took a pre-req class for Linguistics. Everything seemed to have a bit of what I liked in it. I guess I was just to interested in everything. So I took a class that was suppose to help me find my major. Well find I did find it. Whether it was because of this class or not I decided to begin the application process for the Communications major with an emphasis in Public Relations.

BYU was named one of the Top 5 in the nation last year for its PR program. Sick right?!?! Anyways, there's this entire application process, classes, papers, tests, interviews, the whole sha-bang. So I decided to forfeit any exciting jobs, internships, travel, or vacation during the summer and I began taking the required classes for application.

I got really nice grades in those classes and therefore, felt confident in my intention to apply to the program. I was nervous. What if I don't make it in? What's my back-up plan? After taking two tests, writing a letter of intent, and much was time. Yesterday we were sent an email stating that we were to go to the Communications office and pick up a letter that either stated we were in or out. FREAKY!! So I go after all my classes are done, 3:00, and I give them my name. The secretary hands me my letter and I walk out of her office and RIP it open...skimming it up and down my eyes were racing for something big saying "Yay" or "Nay." Finally I calm myself and I read....

Congratulations.....(blah blah blah)...meeting (blah blah blah) finalize ...etc.

You get the idea. So happy. Now I can say that I have a major! I am so excited for it as well. The major itself is so marketable and the amount of career paths is extensive. So yes, I'm excited. A fairly prestigious college with a fairly prestigious major is not bad at all.

{Sir Charles}

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