This might be a little late but here it goes. BYU had their final exams this last week which is partially why I have not been blogging but I have two really good posts for you that should at least partially make up for it.
So I had 7 finals to take, 3 of which were dance finals (sure laugh whatever...but seriously, you try and get an A on those...nearly impossible..just know no one gets a 95 and 94s are rarely heard of.) I ended up taking one Monday, another Tuesday then the last 5 split between Wednesday and Thursday; not to mention practicing with various partners, studying, and getting enough hours in this week.
It seemed all but my dance finals were situations that would have either made or broken my grade. Well, needless to say there was one final in particular that was haunting my Facebook and Hulu viewing.
Italian Literature 340...dum dum duuuuuuuuuum
For this final, we were required to turn in 5 hours of documented research..about 15 pages or so double-spaced...and that was only half of the grade. The final itself was Thursday morning at 7:00am, 6 essay questions three hours. Oh wait there's more, I needed to get a C average on this to get a B- in the class. Why shoot so low you may ask? Well long story short, I had to retake the class after a very difficult Winter Semester (straight A's and an E in the Ital Lit class). Well, I hadn't gone to class all year because of a deal I had worked out with the professor where I just turned in the assignments I was missing (I was also concurrently enrolled in a class that occupied the same block). Let me just tell you that it was not easy turning in assignments..and the new grades (controversially) showed just that.
So needless to say, I NEEDED this grade. Well, there was a glimmer of hope. The professor emailed a substitute essay response we could go for: memorizing the most famous of Italian sonnets,
Dante's Tanto Gentile e Tanto Amato...
I think to myself, this is it. I need to get 100% on my research that's 150 points, memorize this sonnet 25 points and do fairly well on every essay and I'm home free; never having to worry about this class again. So the Yellow Gazelle and I memorize this sonnet and quiz each other on it.
Trying to out perform each other in front of some girls in the ward :)...good times...
My wonderful ballroom partner and I had a lesson in Lindon at 4 (more on that later). I got back around 5:30 and had to study for a final before the testing center closed. I got back around 9:30 that night to about 11 pages of research and a TON of studying for essays on books I hadn't read since February. Needless to say I was up until about 2:00.
I woke up at 5:50 to go and print my paper off at the Library. I figured with hours as late as 2:00am they would surely open at 6:00 instead of 7:00. Well 6:25. Not. Open.
I go over to the Wilkinson Center to one of the printer kiosks to print off my paper. Luckily those computers and printers are always on...everything is going great...wait a second. I realize that it only printed half of the document. Not happy, the paper had run out and it was locked for authorized employees only to load. I could have gone to my office but someone had recently gotten fired which meant the code had changed on the door, and I would have had to wait until 8:00 for the office assistants to arrive. Ain't. Gonna. Happen.
I'm sure that every building on campus has a printer, but at 6:30 in the morning with the amount of sleep I got, the only thing that came to mind was the JSB, approx 15 min there and back. So off I go, reviewing the poem I had to recite in just less than half and hour. It prints and off I go to study key phrases I had written down for the essay questions.
Well, everyone sits down at 7:00 and on we go to the recitations: perfect or you were required to write all 6. The first guy goes and he seems to just glide through it. The second girl goes, she's Italian so you could imagine the perfection of her accent and ease she must have had memorizing a few lines. Then it was my turn. I think it was approximately every 2 lines I had to stop and remember what came next. I blame some SERIOUS nerves and the lack of sleep.
Needless to say I did it. After about 2 and a half hours of essay writing.
Well, I just saw my grade on the exam 94% FREAK YES!!!!
Never. Ever. Have to take that class again.
{Sir Charles}