Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Ever So Cliche Women's Conference...teehee

Oh yes. It's that time of year again folks when estrogen levels rock the Richter scale. When BYU campus lays siege to perfume, purses and perky people. 

Okay, enough ranting on the cute lil' o Moms and daughters out stormin' the sidewalks. BUT it is just to funny to let it be. Let me illustrate for you the changes we see in our campus when Women's Conference starts :)

So first of influx of about this many women which means lots of makeup, hairspray (they all start looking the same), interesting fashion .... we'll just leave it at that, and lots of perfume (seriously ladies, who are you trying to impress)(and they all smell like mom anyway so don't worry about trying to be hip or whatever :)

That's a whole lotta woman...women. Actually, this all started as I was on my way to practice ballroom. From my office to the dance studios, all I could think about is I need a picture, I need a picture (okay if you haven't guessed it I am slightly obsessed with my new iphone---birthday present to me). As I am crossing campus I realize that whatever activity was next for the sisters, they were late, or they wanted a good seat, or there was a deal on food storage or scrap-booking...I don't know. There I was caught in the middle of it. So I grabbed my partner and showed her the mob coming down the steps in waves. She got a good kick and told me as well that I should grab my camera. So there she stood, playing along quite nicely as if I was taking a picture of her. 

I swear it was like Black Friday shopping with my Mom all over again. Either that or they had a competition between them and their pedometers.

Another addition to campus was actually in the CougarEat--the dining area in the main events building. I can tell you this much, Subway and L&T Wraps were prepared with extra lines and kiosks. The Grab-n-Go, an area used by students for a quick pick-up lunch between classes, was stalked FULL of sandwiches, wraps and salads. Yes this is slightly unusual, there are usually a bit more of an influence in the pizza and burger area during normal school occupancy. AND. Let us not forget trays and TRAYS full of brownies. Ladies and grandmothers, I would just like to inform you that these do not usually exist. BYU has the Women's Conference down to a T. 

And there you have it. All the women eating there healthy salads and sandwiches....and brownies because you can TOTALLY justify a whole tray of brownies if you eat a sandwich
(Don't let me get you down ladies, you do alot and deserve it so seriously GO FOR IT! :o)

So at this point, I take advantage of this whole gig. I've worked twice before during Women's Conference so I knew there were free signed prints of AWESOME LDS artists. In the past I had gotten pieces from Liz Lemon Swindle and Greg Olsen, signed and addressed to myself or the family.

This year we got these two prints, Simon Dewey (easily one of my top 5 LDS artists and Liz Lemon Swindle signed the bottom one but I just took these offline).

On our way out of the bookstore, we laughed at the huge tub of cinnamon bears and CHOCOLATE covered cinnamon bears. Now if you haven't heard of this practice it is probably because you're not from Utah nor have you ever visited BYU. They are pretty heavenly I must admit. 

Try it and you will see the light. we pass this vat of divine-ness, this lady turns to her fellow sisters with three bags in hand and COMPLETELY honestly asks, "Hey, how many of these should we get." My co-worker couldn't keep it in. Right then and there she just killed over and started laughing not 6 feet from this lady. It was super funny. So we had to document it along with the seemingly choclitafied candy counter. 

We finally got back to our office after passing a curiously developing line of women at the ice cream parlor and a sign standing up for us minorities on campus. HA! :)


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Buona Pasqua! Happy Easter!

Yes I must say it was a Happy Easter.

I woke up when my body said to :) Might I just say how much I enjoy that. I'm not a late sleeper, like I think this morning was 9:30 but still. So so so refreshing. And. Church wasn't until 11:00. Love this ward already. And as promised, here was the finished product. Mom bought a stunning pink striped enseso naturally, we bought pink ties. 

Bow Ties!!!

And I must say my brothers and I look smashing in them.

Sick awesome James Bond style chic if you ask me. Well, we got done with church and as we continued to get dinner ready, we also continued the family tradition of an Egg Hunt. Yes. I dare not jest. We still go outside and look for eggs. BUT these eggs are specifically hid so you look like an idiot in front of Mom and Dad while they take video and pictures of you.

Josh even got in on the action for a bit and I'm just gonna through this out there. WHO WON!!!! For seriously the first time ever! 

That's right people, ME. I found my eggs and the bonus eggs to boost! In your face little preschoolers :P 

Bry. Why the long face? Can't find your last eggs? Okay sure, I'll take a picture of you while everyone makes fun of the LAST person to find their eggs :)

So sure that was great fun. We are starting to play more games as a family and one of the newest ones is the Words with Friends App (which I dominate in.... I would have you know)...but play a real game and I suuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Yes that little number in the corner brought the Jacob/Bry team into a pretty solid lead. But ask them who KILLS  playing on the app. That's right. I do. So it was a pretty solid Easter. We ate a fantastic meal prepared by Chef Mom.

And finished off the night with a bit of Harry Potter. Little upset about that. Turns out that for the last installment, after YEARS of midnight releases and showings, I will be at EFY.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yesterday was Thursday, Today it is Friday Friday

Okay today is afterwe......erds but this is the official Birthday post.

I'm gonna be honest, A TON has happened since my last post and it is all exciting! So I'm just gonna start with what comes to mind first.

I MADE BACK-UP TOUR TEAM (comically known as B.U.T.T.) I am so so so sossoooooosososososososooooooo excited. I'm gonna be honest, this past year I worked my BUTT off as you might have seen in the pics I've posted. Working with three wonderful partners was a treat and a challenge. Sometimes three hours of practice a day in addition to team and technique classes. SICK but it was all worth it. I am on track to work my you-know-what off for Blackpool (which will be a beast to make). But here ya go. Congrats to everyone else who made it and to those who made the 1 o'clock team as well.


So for my glorious birthday...I....packed!! Yippeeee! Yep, all birthday morning, packed and cleaned and let me tell you it took a little longer than I expected. I had to run a few errands, say bye to a few people that I wouldn't be seeing like ever again. Before I knew it, my car. was. full.

I could hardly move. I was on the phone with my mom as I left Provo and of course she was all, "Be careful that's the last thing we need right now." ... "Mom, I have to be careful, if not somethin's gonna wack me in the head." It was pretty awesome. To be honest though. Right now I still do not feel like school is out. I'm like, what do I do with myself. Is it really over?

So for dinner I picked a Chinese Buffet date with the parents. It was pretty chill. 

Friday Friday gonna go shop on Friday. Yes its true I have awesome family who knows precisely what to get me. to Forever 21 I went. But wait, we had to stop at and gas up. Wait. What the heck is that.

They looked like something from Star Wars. But there was like 20 of them. Apparently its the new way to vacuum your car. (Why does vacuum have to u's in it?) So we go shopping. And yes, maybe I do take a while to shop. Yes, at one point in time, Mom had a bag in her hands full of clothes, hangers in the other, as well as I. Maybe a bit much. 

So yes, I bought out F XXI. I should get some honorary membership. As you may see, I got some shoes from Payless as well. So I'm pretty much set for the new school year as well. AND. May I just say that this is what happens when I deprive myself from shopping during the school year.

I relapse BAAAAAD!!! 

Off we went to grab some grub at Charley's (spelled wrong). Good subs. 

Last on the stop was grabbin' stuff for Easter Sunday. 
Might I just say it will be epic.
:) (:

I will post pics :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Legit is This

So this week has been swamped with many a stressful activity. Can I get an amen? AMEN. Thank you.

This semester I was involved with the Bradley Public Relations Agency. A PR firm that is owned and operated through the students. All of our clients pay the agency some sum of money and that is how we carry on. All of the students act as interns as we are set up in groups to tackle different projects. Crime Reports. UDOT. Jer3miah. are just a few I remember. My team was Provo City. Yes that is correct. My team was asked to come up with a strategic plan to help Downtown Provo become a destination spot. Yep, it was gonna be difficult but seriously HOW COOL IS THAT. I love PR. This semester we conducted surveys, created graphs and time after time presented our results. Because of a very busy schedule until now I had not been apart of these presentations. This week was it. No classes, no work, no ballroom. I was so excited.

My job was to put together the power point and create a captivating conclusion. We were going to present this to the Provo City Council and the Downtown Provo Business Alliance. So this little guy...was lose it and we were finished.

So I put on something business appropriate but still true to my character.

We planned, revamped our presentation, practiced it a few times and off we were to the Provo City Council meeting. Might I just add (1) how legit I felt and (2) how daunting it seemed. 

With a panel like that, I felt like Dumbledore was going to come out and start somethin. AND there were all these seats in the back for anyone who wanted to watch and find out what was happening. AND there was some rumor that this was or would be broadcast and that public channel that you always skip through :)

Anyway it went well. They seemed excited about it. The mayor seemed on board. So our director man took us out to lunch (well that was also because at an end of the semester review, our team beat all the others in the agency with our presentation). Sammy's was the place.

Really awesome place downtown. They prepare the burger right there for you. Very intimate environment. This poor guy was there all by himself when our huge group along with a few others came in. 

So naturally we waited a bit. Here's the agency director (on the left) discussing our plan of action for the next presentation.

AND HERE IS MY BURGER!! I think my favorite part of it, besides the fact that it looked awesome, was the guacamole. Yes guacamole on a burger. SO GREAT.

Yesterday was the last presentation. Now I failed to mention earlier that our point in presenting (besides showing what we had been doing with our time this semester) was to get the funding and the 'okay' to implement our ideas. Which I'm pretty sure we got. So there we were at the Downtown Business Alliance meeting. The night before I was up to about 1:00am completely revamping the presentation again, important little bugger held our success in his pocket.

We got to our destination on the 8th floor (mind you, Provo doesn't have very many 8th floors). So that was pretty cool. 

They fed us, which was pretty much the best barbecue burger I have ever had. Catered by Goodwood Barbecue mind you it was legit. Legit. Legit. Legit. Okay I'm done. 

So I felt pretty awesome. I appreciate the BYU COMMS department so much. Honestly, there are very few universities who allow students this kind of hands on experience. I'm lovin some portfolio :) O YA!! That's my team!!!