Oh yes. It's that time of year again folks when estrogen levels rock the Richter scale. When BYU campus lays siege to perfume, purses and perky people.
Okay, enough ranting on the cute lil' o Moms and daughters out stormin' the sidewalks. BUT it is just to funny to let it be. Let me illustrate for you the changes we see in our campus when Women's Conference starts :)
So first of all...an influx of about this many women which means lots of makeup, hairspray (they all start looking the same), interesting fashion .... we'll just leave it at that, and lots of perfume (seriously ladies, who are you trying to impress)(and they all smell like mom anyway so don't worry about trying to be hip or whatever :)
That's a whole lotta woman...women. Actually, this all started as I was on my way to practice ballroom. From my office to the dance studios, all I could think about is I need a picture, I need a picture (okay if you haven't guessed it I am slightly obsessed with my new iphone---birthday present to me). As I am crossing campus I realize that whatever activity was next for the sisters, they were late, or they wanted a good seat, or there was a deal on food storage or scrap-booking...I don't know. There I was caught in the middle of it. So I grabbed my partner and showed her the mob coming down the steps in waves. She got a good kick and told me as well that I should grab my camera. So there she stood, playing along quite nicely as if I was taking a picture of her.
I swear it was like Black Friday shopping with my Mom all over again. Either that or they had a competition between them and their pedometers.
Another addition to campus was actually in the CougarEat--the dining area in the main events building. I can tell you this much, Subway and L&T Wraps were prepared with extra lines and kiosks. The Grab-n-Go, an area used by students for a quick pick-up lunch between classes, was stalked FULL of sandwiches, wraps and salads. Yes this is slightly unusual, there are usually a bit more of an influence in the pizza and burger area during normal school occupancy. AND. Let us not forget trays and TRAYS full of brownies. Ladies and grandmothers, I would just like to inform you that these do not usually exist. BYU has the Women's Conference down to a T.
And there you have it. All the women eating there healthy salads and sandwiches....and brownies because you can TOTALLY justify a whole tray of brownies if you eat a sandwich
(Don't let me get you down ladies, you do alot and deserve it so seriously GO FOR IT! :o)
So at this point, I take advantage of this whole gig. I've worked twice before during Women's Conference so I knew there were free signed prints of AWESOME LDS artists. In the past I had gotten pieces from Liz Lemon Swindle and Greg Olsen, signed and addressed to myself or the family.
This year we got these two prints, Simon Dewey (easily one of my top 5 LDS artists and Liz Lemon Swindle signed the bottom one but I just took these offline).
On our way out of the bookstore, we laughed at the huge tub of cinnamon bears and CHOCOLATE covered cinnamon bears. Now if you haven't heard of this practice it is probably because you're not from Utah nor have you ever visited BYU. They are pretty heavenly I must admit.
Try it and you will see the light.
Well..as we pass this vat of divine-ness, this lady turns to her fellow sisters with three bags in hand and COMPLETELY honestly asks, "Hey, how many of these should we get." My co-worker couldn't keep it in. Right then and there she just killed over and started laughing not 6 feet from this lady. It was super funny. So we had to document it along with the seemingly choclitafied candy counter.
We finally got back to our office after passing a curiously developing line of women at the ice cream parlor and a sign standing up for us minorities on campus. HA! :)